CCSJC High School Ministry

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Pray For Us

Please pray for us, we are leaving this Thursday!! I will miss you guys!

SUMmeR CaMP waS GReaTTtt!!

Thank you guys for all your prayers, camp was amazing! As always, the Lord was faithful to do a mighty work in our lives and it was so awesome to be able to meet and fellowship with other campers and pastors who love Jesus and who are stinkin hilarious! There were many laughs, there were tears, and there was some great one on one time with Jesus. Meeting with Jesus up in the mountains is just a different experience, it's no better or worse than how we meet with him down the mountain, but it is different and it is so awesome and I encourage you guys to take some time alone with Jesus in a different environment than what you are used to. It could be the mountains, it could be some empty beach, just let it be a place where you are alone with the Lord and just enter into some beautiful fellowship with Him.