CCSJC High School Ministry

Friday, June 11, 2010

A conclusion in Titus

Titus 3 - Tonight we will be finishing our journey through the book of Titus, one of the three pastoral epistles written by the apostle Paul. The other two pastoral epistles are 1 & 2 Timothy.
Tonight we will be going over the relationship we are called to have as Christians with authority as well as "all men." Paul then reminds us of the reason we are called to live a separated life that is contrary to the world is because of the fact that we were saved, washed, renewed, and justified by the kindness, love, mercy, and grace of God through the work of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. As we study Titus 3 tonight, the emphasis is on the grace of God and the fact that our salvation is the work of every person in the divine Godhead (the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).

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